When you have your boat to get you from Point A to Point B when it is traveling on lakes, it makes perfect sense to make sure that you know how to mount a trolling motor properly and in the right place, Of course, rigging your very own mounting process doesn’t have to be a confusing process.
In fact, it can be a very simple process.
When you are able to place this mechanism correctly, you are able to fish for the right fish from bass, panfish, and other types of fish that you can get your hands on when it comes to fishing from that position.
Like what we already stated beforehand, it is an easy process to start. There are plenty of products that you can use to get started right away with a flawless installation.
When you are trailing your fishing boat around the lake, you need to install it on your boat. The real question is how you decide to go through with the installation. It is up to you and your boat.
Some models will make it a requirement for you to install a reliable tool that uses a pushing action while others would want you to use a pulling action, instead.
There are a few things that you have to worry about such as the model of your boat.
Some motors are placed flat on the surface of the boat with a vertical position with the motor that is in the water.
One thing that you have to keep a close eye on is that your mounting pad has to be horizontal to the water. It is basically a requirement so it’s imperative that you remember that.
With the fundamentals out of the way, it is more important to understand how you can create ways for your newfound tool can be properly installed on your boat.
What Tools Are You Going To Need?
When you are about to install your own new motor that trolls while attached to your boat, you need to have the tools necessary to get your new mechanism properly installed.
You are going to need a wrench kit. The secondary thing that you are going to need is a Phillips screwdriver. The third things are drills and bits.
Learn To Mount A Trolling Motor
Before we try to understand how to mount a trolling motor, let’s divide the process into parts. The first thing that you will have to decide is which side of the boat that you are looking to place the location of the motor on.
You can install it anywhere so don’t worry about where you are going to be installing it. The question that you have to truly ask is where and how are you planning on fishing.
Of course, there is a handy way to solve this. You just have to pay close attention to where you are controlling the boat itself. You can be careful about where you are navigating the boat.
The same can be applied in a vice versa switched reasons.
Removing Plate Panels and Assembly of The Motor

Trolling motor installation
The next thing that you have to do is start removing the plate panels. To make sure that you are doing it the right way, you have to remove the securing screws. Most motors will show you the mounting holes.
Afterward, just before you are ready to determine where on the ship that you are ready to start installing your motor you will have to assemble the motor.
Different motors and different companies should have websites in place as instructional guides so that you are able to access the information needed so that you are able to access what processes that you will be needed to go through in order to get your motor assembled correctly.
After you are done putting together your motor, the second thing that you need to do is to attach the shaft. Following that, you need to be able to install the head assembly to the mount.
With the assembled pieces in place, you can place your motor that has been stowed wherever it is best to have it placed on your boat.
Moving onward to the next step, you need to focus on positioning your motor shaft as close to the center as you can. One thing that you can take heed is that the propeller and the shaft could be off-center and it is best to avoid this.
To make sure that you are playing it safe, be sure that you will be using a position that allows for flushing. Usually, it is required in order for your machine to work properly.
Adding to that, you want to make sure that there is less than a 1-inch overhang.
Checking The Location of The Motor Head
When you have your machine in its proper stowed position, you are able to make sure that the location of the motorhead is safely sound and secure.
Beforehand, we were just talking about how you don’t want to have your boat deal with the overhang.
If you do have an overhang on a side of your boat, then you will definitely want to watch out for docks. You could end up hitting it and all the time that you spent on installing your motorhead properly can be destroyed.
Understandably, you don’t want your motorhead to be destroyed so it’s imperative that you make sure that you don’t have an overhang.
What can you do is use a straight-edge. By using this, your motor can be positioned in a way that your motorhead inside your boat.
More Installation
With the position of your mount, the next thing that you have to do is drill two holes into the bow.
This can become a two-man job so be smart and employ someone to hold the newly-installed mount to make sure that it stays in place as you are drilling holes to match the hole pattern in the mount.
After you are done drilling holes in the mount, the next thing that you have to secure the mount, using the holes that you just drilled in. In the Motorguide xi5 review, you will discover that some mounts are not as good as the motors.
After you drilled in your initial two holes, the next thing that you have to focus on is drilling the rest of the holes. It should be duly noted that you don’t have to worry about your mount shifting everywhere.
Another thing that you can do is remove the shaft with the motor head to make the drilling less complicated.
Ideally Speaking…
You should, in the best case scenario, have access to the underside of the bow in order to fasten the nuts to the bolts. You should also be able to secure the entire mechanism itself.
You may not always have that option, though.
When that happens, you will need to go get yourself some no-access bolting nuts.
This way, you should be able to secure the item securely even when you don’t have access to the underside.
Is Everything Secure?
The last thing that you have to do now and is to re-secure everything.
If everything is secure then you are ready to go.
The last portion is focused on how you are able to determine that for your boat.
Let’s Watch A Video Tutorial
There are many good trolling motor brands. Minn Kota, Newport Vessels, Goplus, Outsunny, Cloud Mountain trolling motors, and some more are well-known in this motor section.
Minn Kota is one of the best trolling motor brands. It has famous trolling motors like Minn Kota Endura C2, Terrova, riptide, and more. Here is a video about how to install Minn Kota Terrova, watch it and I’m sure that you will find it easy.
Aluminum Boats and Fiberglass Boats
Your boat weight is very important when you are determining which motor you need to get your hands on. A general rule to help keep things going in the right direction is that you need to have a minimum of 2 lbs of thrust for every 100 lbs.
So, depending on you if you have a 3,000 lb. boat, you need a 60lbs. of thrust.
Different boats have different material that determines the thrust of your newly-installed motor.
Aluminum boats tend to weigh less whereas fiberglass boats tend to weigh more.
Depending on what material your boat is made out of, you should be able to find the mechanism that can give you the thrust that you need.
The trolling motor for pontoon boat is normally a transom-mounted motor which is not very different when you want to mount that.
You should paint the exposed metal or fiberglass parts of the hull and deck with an aluminum boat paint or wax for fiberglass after installing the motor properly.
With everything about how to mount a trolling motor already said, it’s time to go out and sailing.
Our post on the best trolling motor battery can be simply handy for those who want to work with a trolling motor.